Uncovering a Peculiar Aspect of Alan Wake 2

Exploring the presence of outdated televisions in a 2023 setting in Alan Wake 2, and how it adds a quirky touch to the game world.
Uncovering a Peculiar Aspect of Alan Wake 2


  • The Alan Wake franchise incorporates live-action scenes through televisions, drawing inspiration from The Twilight Zone.
  • Alan Wake 2 features outdated CRT televisions in a 2023 backdrop, infusing the game world with a quirky and nostalgic vibe.
  • The upcoming Night Springs DLC will further delve into the use of televisions in the franchise, adding more depth to the storytelling.

The Alan Wake series revels in weaving intricate meta-narratives that push the boundaries of video game storytelling. Drawing from a myriad of influences like music, films, and TV shows, the franchise carves out its unique identity. At the core of this franchise lies a fascination with television, epitomized by the fictitious program Night Springs, heavily mirroring The Twilight Zone.

Within the realms of Alan Wake and its sequel, players encounter a plethora of televisions. Some exhibit amusing commercials, while others are tuned to the enigmatic Night Springs. At times, Alan immerses himself in live-action sequences within these televisions. While televisions serve as a recurring motif, a peculiar trend emerges with the types of televisions showcased.

Alan Wake 2's Quirky Throwback: Outdated Televisions

Across Bright Falls and even in the mysterious Dark Place, technology appears frozen in time when it comes to televisions. Everywhere players venture, they encounter antiquated CRT monitors and TVs reminiscent of the 90s, a curious sight in the 2023 setting of Alan Wake 2.

Whether exploring the Valhalla retirement home, navigating the police station, or evading the Dark Place, the prevalence of outdated televisions prompts questions about this deliberate choice and the absence of modern upgrades. This idiosyncrasy adds to the tapestry of peculiarities within the Alan Wake universe.

Decoding the Televisions in the Alan Wake Franchise

The ubiquitous presence of televisions hints at a deliberate design rather than mere coincidence. It is probable that these televisions feature prominently due to Remedy Entertainment's penchant for experimenting with live-action elements. Frequently, televisions serve as gateways to live-action vignettes, be it an episode of Night Springs or a scene featuring Wake. A similar motif is observed in Control, where TV sets showcase skits involving the Threshold Kids and Dr. Darling. While Control suggests modern technology clashes with the paranatural, its impact on Alan Wake's TV sets remains ambiguous.

Probable Explanations for the Dated Televisions in Alan Wake 2

The prevalence of old televisions likely stems from Bright Falls being a quaint town frozen in time, clinging to a nostalgic era characterized by quaint diners and retro decor. The residents might simply prefer the vintage charm and see no need for upgrades as long as the existing technology functions.

From a gameplay perspective, the CRT televisions likely serve as a stylistic preference. Opting for CRT monitors over sleek flat screens eliminates ambiguity, ensuring televisions stand out distinctly. This intentional choice adds a touch of whimsy to the Remedy Connected Universe, contributing to its unique ambiance. Once noticed, this aesthetic quirk becomes indelible.

The Evolution of Televisions in the Alan Wake Franchise

Players can anticipate encountering more televisions in the forthcoming DLC, Night Springs, revolving around the eponymous show in an episodic format. Featuring familiar characters from Alan Wake 2, the DLC is slated for a spring release. The persistence of retro televisions poses one of many enigmas in the world of Alan Wake. Whether elucidated or left to speculation, this distinctive choice bolsters the franchise's visual allure.