Insight into Aion Classic's New Revenant Class Lore and Abilities

Discover the design intricacies and narrative behind the latest Revenant class in AION Classic as shared by Ahn Jinho, the game's design director.
Insight into Aion Classic's New Revenant Class Lore and Abilities


  • Learn about the distinctive features of the new Revenant class
  • Explore the lore and persona of the Revenant fighters in AION Classic
  • Uncover the challenges faced during the development of Revenant animations

AION Classic's recent 2.7 update introduces the Revenant, a unique mid-range fighter wielding chain-sword weapons. This addition alters the group dynamics in AION's PvPvE structure, alongside fresh content like a new starting zone.

A conversation with Ahn Jinho, the creative design director at NCSOFT for AION Classic, delves into the creation process of Revenants and their Telos starting zone. Discover the strengths, weaknesses, and lore that define these vengeful combatants.

Unique Damage Dealing Style

Introducing a new class in long-standing MMORPGs is a significant change impacting group interactions. The Revenant was crafted to reward players skilled in maintaining specific distances from foes rather than simply favoring mid-range combat. Despite lower armor due to leather attire, the Revenant excels at inflicting widespread negative effects, making them formidable against hordes of enemies. This results in a class with a high skill ceiling, a focus on mob destruction, and a distinct gameplay approach.

Unveiling the Revenant's Identity

Creating a unique persona for the Revenant was paramount for NCSOFT. This class stands out in AION due to its rich backstory, with Revenants being tortured Daeva stripped of their wings and manipulated by Tiamat, only to rise again as Daeva. The chains-and-leather theme symbolizes their past suffering while visually defining the class. The red glow during combat caters to players seeking an edgy power fantasy.

Players can delve into the Revenant's tale in Telos and Sunken Telos instances, culminating in the challenging Red Throne. Originally planned as a single zone, the split offers both hardcore (Red Throne) and casual-friendly (Sunken Telos) experiences.

Overcoming Animation Challenges

Developing Revenant animations posed hurdles, particularly in weapon attacks. Chain-swords are fantastical, requiring impactful yet believable animations for player satisfaction and PvP balance. Despite initial obstacles and bugs in Telos, community feedback allowed the team to refine the class effectively.