Decoding the Variances Between AFK Journey and AFK Arena

Unraveling the mystery behind the connection or independence of AFK Journey and AFK Arena for gaming enthusiasts.
Decoding the Variances Between AFK Journey and AFK Arena


  • AFK Journey is an expansion of AFK Arena with a different gameplay style.
  • Comparison between AFK Journey and AFK Arena in gameplay, narrative, and visuals.
  • Shared hero roster between AFK Journey and AFK Arena.

AFK Arena emerged in 2019, born from the creativity of Lilith Games. Fast forward to 2024, the introduction of AFK Journey, a new canonical IP expanding the universe with a novel perspective. Imagine AFK Arena transforming into a narrative-driven adventure RPG, and you have AFK Journey. However, despite the shared title, mechanics, characters, and game modes, players are left questioning the relationship between the two games.

Players wonder if AFK Journey is a sequel to AFK Arena or an independent entity. To shed light on these uncertainties, let's explore the contrasts and resemblances between these captivating games.

Exploring the Distinctions of AFK Journey From AFK Arena

AFK Journey stands as an independent expansion of AFK Arena, sharing the universe and characters but differing in gameplay. While both games have common elements, AFK Journey offers an immersive RPG experience with a rich storyline, unlike the turn-based RPG structure of AFK Arena.

Despite the similarities, AFK Journey is not a direct sequel but an extension of the AFK universe, integrating known mechanics such as Heroes, Factions, and Ascension. Each game has its unique story, making them enjoyable separately. Players of AFK Arena will, however, find the combat mechanics of AFK Journey familiar.

Comparative Analysis of AFK Journey and AFK Arena

AFK Journey by Lilith Games exists in the same universe as AFK Arena, yet they diverge significantly in gameplay, story, and visuals. Let's delve into a detailed comparison to decipher these differences.

Gameplay Distinctions

Both games employ turn-based combat, but AFK Journey introduces a more complex battle system. In Journey, combat involves tiles that dictate attack direction and range, adding depth to strategies. In contrast, AFK Arena has simpler formations, limiting strategic team building.

Another difference is in Hero categorization and progression. AFK Journey groups Heroes by Factions and Classes, simplifying team setups. Ascension and equipment upgrades focus on five main characters, enhancing the team's level collectively.

Narrative Comparison

AFK Journey boasts a detailed campaign with main quests, side stories, and voiced cutscenes. In contrast, AFK Arena offers a straightforward narrative with minimal impact on gameplay and no cutscenes.

In AFK Journey, players traverse an open-world map with four primary regions: Holistone, Golden Wheatshire, Dark Forest, and Vaduso Mountains. Conversely, AFK Arena unfolds through progression towers, unlocking as players defeat foes in prior regions.

Visuals Comparison

AFK Journey and AFK Arena differ drastically in graphics. Journey presents a 3D adventure on mobile and PC, while Arena is a 2D mobile RPG. AFK Journey revitalizes the AFK Arena universe in 3D, maintaining familiar Heroes in a new visual style. This evolution affects game sizes, with AFK Journey requiring about 2GB compared to AFK Arena's 300MB.

Common Heroes Between AFK Journey and AFK Arena

AFK Journey intertwines with AFK Arena through a shared Hero roster. Thirteen characters from the 2019 release make a reappearance in the latest title. Here is a list of these mutual Heroes:

  • Lucius (Lightbearer)
  • Rowen (Lightbearer)
  • Mirael (Lightbearer)
  • Lyca (Wilder)
  • Aeden (Wilder)
  • Eironn (Wilder)
  • Satrana (Mauler)
  • Antandra (Mauler)
  • Brutus (Mauler)
  • Thoran (Graveborn)
  • Niru (Graveborn)
  • Silvina (Graveborn)