Decoding AFK Journey Hero Factions

Unveiling the strengths and weaknesses of the six Hero Factions and their impact on gameplay.
Decoding AFK Journey Hero Factions


  • Discover how each Faction contributes to the metagame in AFK Journey.
  • Explore the top-performing Hero Factions in PvP and PvE modes.
  • Uncover the key Heroes that shape the success of their respective Factions.

AFK Journey features six Factions: Lightbearers, Maulers, Wilders, Graveborns, Celestials, and Hypogeons. Unlike Classes, Factions encompass Heroes of all types, uniting characters with unique abilities but shared races. Similar to AFK Arena’s Factions, those in AFK Journey primarily serve as boost providers.

When enough members of the same clique are on the board, players receive ATK or DEF buffs. In this tier list, all Factions are ranked based on their impact on the metagame. Here is an analysis of the most dominant cliques in Player vs. Environment and Player vs. Player (PvE and PvP for short) modes to determine which ones outperform the others.

6 Hypogean

Impact on the Meta: 14.61%

  • PvP Meta Share: 11.1%
  • PvE Meta Share: 3.5%
  • Heroes: Reinier, Berial

Ranking at the bottom of the Faction tier list is Hypogean, a rare demonic race featuring only two Heroes: Reinier and Berial. While these two characters are considered meta, their impact on the metagame is not as substantial as other Factions. This is partly due to the Faction’s limited roster. However, regardless of Faction size, both Reinier and Berial are not essential for the majority of the campaign and early- to mid-game PvP battles. Their true potential is revealed in the endgame, where players must confront formidable CPUs and high-ranked online opponents.

5 Celestial

Impact on the Meta: 18.2%

  • PvP Meta Share: 11.1%
  • PvE Meta Share: 7.1%
  • Heroes: Dionel, Scarlita

Celestial faces a similar situation to the Hypogean Faction, with a limited roster that players don't prioritize unlocking until later stages. While both Dionel and Scarlita are dependable Heroes across all Battle Modes (Dionel as a meta Marksman and Scarlita as a sturdy Warrior), they can be substituted with more budget-friendly options. For instance, Cecia or Odie can replace Dionel, while Brutus and Florabelle can fill in for Scarlita.

However, what sets Celestial apart and gives it a higher ranking than the Hypogean Faction is that its two-Hero roster performs better in PvE matches, especially in Story and Campaign battles.

4 Lightbearer

Impact on the Meta: 28.91%

  • PvP Meta Share: 11.1%
  • PvE Meta Share: 17.8%
  • Heroes: Lucius, Rowan, Valen, Korin, Walker, Marilee, Temesia, Vala, Fay, Mirael, Cassadee, Atlanta

As the largest Faction boasting 12 Heroes, Lightbearers serve as the starter Hero pool in AFK Journey. Many early-game characters are drawn from this roster and can carry players through beginner-level matches, particularly in the initial AFK Stages. However, what prevents Lightbearers from ranking among the top three Factions is their inconsistent performance.

While they excel in PvE matches, with a notable 17.8% impact on the mode’s Meta, they often fall short of expectations in PvP combat. With the exception of Rowan, all other Heroes in the Lightbearer Faction can be replaced with better-performing options from other cliques, diminishing their importance in most Battle Modes.

3 Mauler

Impact on the Meta: 26.9%

  • PvP Meta Share: 5.5%
  • PvE Meta Share: 21.4%
  • Heroes: Smokey, Koko, Antandra, Brutus, Odie, Rhys, Shakir, Satrana, Seth, Kruger, Lumont

With 11 Heroes, Mauler stands as the second largest Faction in AFK Journey. As players embark on their journey, this Faction remains their primary source of damage dealing and healing/support. However, as players progress in the campaign and encounter high-damage opponents online, Maulers prove to be less reliable than Wilders and Graveborns.

While the core Mauler Heroes, such as Smokey, Koko, Antandra, Brutus, and Odie, excel in their respective Classes, other Mauler characters have minimal impact on the metagame. And this inconsistency negatively affects the Faction’s ranking on this list.

2 Wilder

Impact on the Meta: 35.88%

  • PvP Meta Share: 38%
  • PvE Meta Share: 28.5%
  • Heroes: Lyca, Bryon, Hewynn, Florabelle, Kafra, Arden, Parisa, Damian, Eironn

The Wilder Faction hosts the majority of Healer and Support characters, making it the second-best category of Heroes. A great deal of meta compositions rely on at least one ally from this Faction to function effectively. Hewynn and Damian, for example, rank among the top-tier characters across all Factions due to their healing, buffing, and reviving abilities.

With the addition of Florabelle, the Wilders have become even more potent in end-game matches. (Florabelle, a summoner, synergizes excellently with Cecia, Berial, Thoran, and Damian.) However, the downside of this Faction lies in its low durability. Wilder-based teams often require Tanks or Warriors capable of absorbing damage. Without them, opponents can easily wipe out all Wilders in an instant.

1 Graveborn

Impact on the Meta: 43.4%

  • PvP Meta Share: 22%
  • PvE Meta Share: 21.4%
  • Heroes: Thoran, Cecia, Viperian, Silvina, Igor, Niru, Carolina, Salazer

Considering both PvP and PvE performance, Graveborn is the best Faction in AFK Journey. This category comprises Heroes that surpass their counterparts in other Classes and are essential for progression. Heroes like Thoran and Cecia exemplify this, as they are considered top-tier choices in both the story and online modes, earning them S+ ratings. With the exception of Salazer, who is the weakest Hero in the group, the other Graveborns are all reliable options.