Unveiling the Elite: Ranking the Top Marksmen in AFK Journey

Discover the cream of the crop among the eight Marksmen in AFK Journey, showcasing the six standout Heroes deserving of a place in the highest echelon.
Unveiling the Elite: Ranking the Top Marksmen in AFK Journey


  • Marilee excels in Dream Realm battles but is vulnerable in PvP scenarios.
  • Bryon's Falcon Raid provides crucial aerial support in Campaign battles.
  • Odie's Exclusive Skill sets him apart as the ultimate Marksman for eliminating poisoned foes.

Marksmen play a vital role in AFK Journey as the primary long-range damage dealers, supporting Tanks and Warriors during long-range attacks. With eight Marksmen available in the game, namely Atalanta, Bryon, Cecia, Odie, Lyca, Marilee, Dionel, and Rhys, it's essential to identify the top performers. Which Marksmen should players focus on ascending for maximum impact?

Let's delve into the elite six META Marksmen in AFK Journey and understand why they are worth the investment.

6 Marilee

Standout Qualities: Swift Movement

  • Top Skill: Mighty Arrow
  • Preferred Arena: Dream Realm
  • Specialty: Damage Dealing

Marilee, an A-Level Marksman, is renowned for her agility and effectiveness, making her an excellent choice for agile-based teams. While she may not excel in PvP, Marilee shines in Dream Realm battles due to her powerful long-range attacks.

Her signature skill, Mighty Arrow, boosts her damage output by 160% and stuns enemies for 0.5 seconds, creating opportunities for additional damage from teammates. Although vulnerable in certain modes, with proper team support, Marilee can efficiently weaken frontline enemies.

5 Bryon

Key Strength: Aerial Support

  • Top Skill: Falcon Raid
  • Preferred Arena: Campaign
  • Specialty: Non-deflectable Damage

Bryon, an S-Level Marksman, offers valuable aerial support at the start of battles, summoning Elona to deal damage while remaining immune to direct attacks. Despite not excelling in all modes, his early-game presence in battles makes him a strategic choice.

With Falcon Raid, Bryon summons Elona with 1,000 Energy, inflicting 320% damage until his Energy depletes. While not the top Marksman overall, Bryon's synergy with certain allies makes him a valuable asset in campaign battles.

4 Lyca

Noteworthy Traits: Debuffing and AoE Attacks

  • Top Skill: Comet Archery
  • Preferred Arena: PvE
  • Specialty: Area of Effect Damage

Lyca stands out as a potent early-game Marksman, capable of debuffing enemies and boosting allies. Effective against immobile foes, she weakens enemies and strengthens frontline Heroes. However, her vulnerability to agile adversaries can pose challenges in battle.

3 Dionel

Highlight Feature: Invincibility

  • Top Skill: Dawn Light
  • Preferred Arena: PvP
  • Specialty: Area of Effect Damage

Dionel, a sought-after Celestial Hero, boasts incredible long-range damage potential, especially with his invincibility during the Dawn Light skill activation. Despite his rarity, once acquired, he can be a game-changer in battles.

2 Cecia

Standout Quality: Disruption

  • Top Skill: Queen's Summons
  • Preferred Arena: PvP and PvE
  • Specialty: Disrupting Enemy Marksmen

Cecia, a reliable starter Marksman, is known for summoning Mr. Carlyle to disrupt enemy formations effectively. Her strategic deployment can turn the tide of battles, especially in scenarios with obstructive terrain.

1 Odie

Superior Skill: Precision Assassination

  • Top Skill: Heart Crusher
  • Preferred Arena: PvP
  • Specialty: Instant Elimination

Odie reigns as the premier Marksman in AFK Journey due to his unparalleled Exclusive Skill, capable of swiftly eliminating poisoned foes. With his Exclusive Weapon, Heart Crusher, Odie becomes a force to be reckoned with, especially in PvP battles.