Discover the Top Hero Classes in AFK Journey

Unveiling the hero classes that excel in both PvE and PvP battles in AFK Journey.
Discover the Top Hero Classes in AFK Journey


  • Mages shine with high damage but need healing due to vulnerability.
  • Tanks offer defense but lack offense, making them replaceable in META teams.
  • Supports are crucial in providing ATK/DEF boosts and healing abilities for victory.

AFK Journey showcases six Classes: Warrior, Tank, Mage, Marksman, Rogue, and Support. Each Class defines the ATK type, DEF rate, and combat role of Heroes. While Factions group various Hero types, Classes gather Heroes with similar skills.

Ranking Classes in AFK Journey is challenging due to its two gameplay modes: PvE and PvP, where each Class performs uniquely. This list ranks Classes based on their impact on the META, considering top-performing Heroes in all modes to determine the metagame shares of each Class. Here are the top Classes in AFK Journey based on PvE and PvP data.

6 Marksmen

Influence on META: 25.39%

  • PvP META Share: 11.11%
  • PvE META Share: 14.28%
  • Heroes: Cecia, Lyca, Bryon, Odie, Marilee, Rhys, Dionel, Atalanta

Although possessing key Heroes like Odie, Cecia, and Dionel, the Marksmen Class ranks lower in the META due to their vulnerability and low impact. Players often replace them with Mages for higher damage output and better support.

Marksmen, except for a few exceptions, are vulnerable in battles, often contributing minimally to the outcome. However, they play crucial roles in early-game scenarios, outshining non-ascended Mages, especially at lower levels.

5 Tanks

Influence on META: 25.39%

  • PvP META Share: 11.11%
  • PvE META Share: 16.6%
  • Heroes: Antandra, Thoran, Lucius, Temesia, Lumont, Granny Dahnie

Tanks act as the primary defense line, valued for their toughness, strength, and ability to control the enemy frontline while absorbing damage. Despite their importance, Tanks are often replaceable in META compositions.

Except for specific PvE instances like Dream Realm bosses, Tanks can be substituted with resilient Warriors such as Brutus. However, Tanks rank lower in metagame lists due to their lack of offense and susceptibility to rapid long-range attackers.

4 Warriors

Influence on META: 30.88%

  • PvP META Share: 16.6%
  • PvE META Share: 14.28%
  • Heroes: Valen, Brutus, Korin, Scarlita, Florabelle, Igor, Kafra, Kruger

Warriors are essential in early-game fights, breaking lines or absorbing damage. While lacking agility, they excel in strength, enduring high damage. Notably, Brutus is a standout Warrior for his resilience, gaining temporary invincibility upon taking lethal hits.

META Warriors like Florabelle and Igor excel at distracting enemies through summons or strategic moves.

3 Mages

Influence on META: 34.45%

  • PvP META Share: 16.6%
  • PvE META Share: 17.78%
  • Heroes: Viperian, Satrana, Mirael, Arden, Parisa, Cassadee, Carolina

Mages are akin to Marksmen but with added benefits. They excel in ranged, AoE attacks, ranking among the most influential Heroes. However, their low HP and vulnerability make them targets for sharpshooters like Vala or sneaky attackers like Seth.

To optimize their impact, Mages require healers to extend their presence and counter weaknesses, enabling them to deal more damage effectively.

2 Rogues

Influence on META: 40.07%

  • PvP META Share: 22.22%
  • PvE META Share: 17.85%
  • Heroes: Walker, Silvina, Shakir, Vala, Berial, Seth, Eironn, Salazer

Initially, Rogues may seem less effective but grow significantly impactful as players ascend them. They become crucial in PvP matches, especially against high-damage opponents.

Rogues top the metagame as the most lethal damage dealers, known for their high DPS, agility, and versatile attacking techniques, effectively wearing down enemy troops.

1 Supports

Influence on META: 43.64%

  • PvP META Share: 22.22%
  • PvE META Share: 21.42%
  • Heroes: Rowan, Koko, Smokey, Reinier, Hewynn, Fay, Niru, Damian

In terms of PvE and PvP performance, Support stands out as the top Class in AFK Journey. These Heroes are vital in META teams, providing crucial ATK/DEF boosts and exceptional healing abilities. Characters like Smokey and Hewynn allow players to revive allies, extending battles and enhancing victory odds.

Support Heroes' balanced performance elevates them to the most effective Class in the game, consistently playing pivotal roles in securing wins, with an overall metagame impact reaching up to 43.64%.