AFK Journey: Top 7 A-Rarity Characters You Need

Discover the essential A-level heroes in AFK Journey that can significantly boost your team's performance.
AFK Journey: Top 7 A-Rarity Characters You Need


  • Explore the top A-Level Heroes in AFK Journey and understand their unique strengths.
  • Learn why these A-Rarity characters are crucial for successful team compositions in the game.
  • Enhance your gameplay by strategically utilizing the abilities of these powerful A-Level Heroes.

When playing AFK Journey, A-Level Heroes are valuable assets that can be acquired through All-Hero Recruitment Invite Letters. While they share similar Power and Ascension mechanics with S-Level characters, A-Rarity Heroes require fewer resources such as Acorns and EXP to reach their maximum potential, making them more accessible for players.

The game features 22 A-Rarity Heroes, among which, we highlight the top seven characters from this pool and delve into why they are indispensable additions to any team or lineup.

7 Marilee

Swift, Unpredictable, and Impactful

  • Signature Move: Mighty Arrow
  • Faction: Lightbearer
  • Role: Marksman

Marilee secures a spot among the elite A-Level Heroes due to her consistent performance in PvE scenarios, particularly excelling in Dream Realm encounters. Her agility confounds enemies, enabling her to deal sustained long-range damage while deftly avoiding incoming attacks.

Notably, Marilee's Mighty Arrow ability allows her to unleash a charged attack at regular intervals, delivering a potent strike with a brief stun effect after every two base attacks, adding a strategic edge to her arsenal.

6 Korin

A Guardian Warrior

  • Signature Move: All-Round Tactic
  • Faction: Lightbearer
  • Role: Warrior

Despite being an underrated Warrior in AFK Journey, Korin emerges as a top-tier A-Level hero known for his protective instincts and agility. His ability to immobilize enemy units briefly with Demonseal Spear offers crucial control on the battlefield, creating openings for allied damage dealers to capitalize on.

Korin's All-Round Tactic shines in preserving frontline allies by leaping to shield weakened comrades and engaging enemy threats, showcasing his prowess in sustaining the team's frontline presence.

5 Lucius

The Premier Early-Game Defender

  • Signature Move: Divine Light Aegis
  • Faction: Lightbearer
  • Role: Tank

Lucius may not match the raw power of S-Level Tanks like Thoran, but he excels as the premier early-game Tank, offering selective board-wide protection. His Divine Light Aegis deploys a shield across seven tiles, providing crucial protection to distant allies, strategically shielding the weakest ally even in Auto-Battle modes.

The shield dynamics of Lucius make him a strategic asset, safeguarding vulnerable allies and enhancing the team's survivability during critical early-game encounters.