Streamer Adin Ross Requests Reinstatement on Twitch

Adin Ross, a popular streamer previously banned from Twitch, is seeking a reversal of his permanent ban by appealing to the platform for a second chance.
Streamer Adin Ross Requests Reinstatement on Twitch


  • Adin Ross is making a plea to Twitch to lift his permanent ban, more than a year after the initial suspension.
  • During a recent Kick stream, Adin Ross apologized for his past actions that led to the ban and expressed a desire to collaborate with other Twitch streamers.
  • Criticism of Twitch's ban policy has grown, leading to the platform revising some of its rules regarding banned creators.

Adin Ross, a well-known figure in the streaming community, is once again urging Twitch to overturn his permanent ban from the platform, a little over a year after his original suspension. Twitch's enforcement of bans has affected even its most prominent content creators, with several high-profile streamers facing bans for violating the platform's terms of service. The ban system on Twitch has been a subject of contention, prompting Twitch's CEO, Dan Clancy, to acknowledge the need for an improved feedback mechanism for bans. Now, Adin Ross is advocating for his ban to be lifted once more.

Initially rising to fame on Twitch by streaming popular titles like the NBA 2K series and Grand Theft Auto, Adin Ross encountered numerous controversies during his time on the platform, leading to multiple temporary bans and ultimately a permanent ban due to an incident involving his Kick chat being displayed during a stream. Subsequently, Ross transitioned to Kick permanently, swiftly becoming the platform's most popular content creator. Nevertheless, Adin Ross is signaling his desire to make a comeback on Twitch.

Adin Ross's Appeal for Reinstatement

According to a report by Dexerto, during a recent Kick stream, Adin Ross once again appealed to Twitch to revoke his permanent ban. Ross expressed regret and offered apologies for the contentious behavior that resulted in his banishment from the platform over a year ago. Furthermore, Ross expressed eagerness to collaborate once more with his favorite personalities, despite Twitch's stringent policy prohibiting banned streamers from appearing on other creators' streams. Adin Ross had previously conveyed confidence that he would be reinstated on Twitch at some point in 2024.

While the future of Adin Ross on Twitch remains uncertain, the platform has exhibited a change in its stance towards permanently banned creators. Alongside the critique of Twitch's ban feedback system, the platform recently revised its policy on viewing content from banned Twitch streamers. Twitch streamers are now allowed to react to VODs or live streams from banned creators, although directly featuring or hosting banned streamers remains prohibited. CEO Dan Clancy also hinted at the possibility of granting a 'second chance' to some permanently banned creators.

The shift in Twitch's approach towards banned streamers coincides with the platform's financial challenges. Twitch disclosed last year that despite being one of the largest live streaming platforms globally, it was not generating profits. Twitch also terminated its Nintendo Switch app and ceased operations in South Korea, facing penalties from the South Korean government for breaching local telecommunications regulations. Twitch's more lenient stance towards banned streamers aims to support the struggling platform's revival.