Earning the Ranger Armor in Fallout: New Vegas

Discover the sought-after Ranger Armor in Fallout: New Vegas and learn how to obtain it through various methods.
Earning the Ranger Armor in Fallout: New Vegas


  • Locating NCR Veteran Rangers for the armor
  • Accessing the NCR Ranger Safehouse for armor retrieval
  • Understanding the stats and benefits of the Ranger Armor

In the immersive world of Fallout: New Vegas, the Ranger Armor stands out as an iconic protective gear option, recognizable for its sturdy build and distinctive long brown coat. Exploring different avenues, players can secure this prized possession, either by claiming it from an NCR Ranger or by uncovering it at one of the NCR safehouses.

Delving into the early stages of the game doesn't hinder your chances of acquiring this armor. This guide will walk you through the step-by-step processes of both methods, enabling you to sport this formidable armor throughout your gameplay journey.

Strategies to Obtain Ranger Armor in Fallout: New Vegas

If aiming for the Ranger Combat Armor, the distinctive attire donned by NCR Veteran Rangers, two main approaches exist: either eliminate an NCR Ranger to claim their outfit or venture into the NCR Ranger Safehouse, housing two sets of this coveted armor. Let's explore how to tackle each option effectively.

Where to Locate NCR Veteran Rangers

To pursue this route, you must first encounter an NCR Veteran Ranger and engage in combat to acquire the armor. These formidable foes emerge later in the game post your involvement in the NCR storyline and visit to the NCR Embassy. Notably, NCR Veteran Rangers surface following the completion of the pivotal quest, Kings' Gambit, assigned by Ambassador Crocker.

It's essential to note that opting for this method could strain your relationship with the NCR faction, as attacking an NCR Veteran Ranger may lead to unfavorable consequences. If pursuing this path, NCR Veteran Rangers can be spotted at:

  • Camp Golf (located north of Lake Las Vegas, south of Vault 34)
  • Camp Forlorn Hope (situated north of the city of Nelson, south of Cazador Nest)
  • Ranger Station Charlie (found south of REPCONN Test Site, west of Techatticup Mine)

Upon defeating an NCR Veteran Ranger, loot their remains to secure the NCR Ranger Combat Armor and Ranger Helmet components.

Where to Find NCR Ranger Safehouse

Opting for a more diplomatic approach, players can access the NCR Ranger Safehouse to acquire the armor while fostering a positive relationship with the NCR. To initiate this process, elevate your standing with the NCR to at least 'Liked' by engaging in NCR side quests, particularly the impactful Boulder City Showdown, which significantly boosts your rapport.

Embark on this side quest within the Boulder City Ruins, positioned west of the Hoover Dam and east of Vault 11. In this mission, siding with the NCR troopers is pivotal, achieved through eliminating the Khans or negotiating their departure while freeing hostages. Additional side quests at Camp McCarran, northeast of Vault 3 and west of Aerotech Office Park, further enhance your reputation.

Subsequently, secure the NCR Safehouse Key for access. Journey to Camp McCarran, locate Colonel James Hsu on the bottom floor within an office, and obtain the key granting entry to the safehouse, situated just south of REPCONN Headquarters and west of Vault 11. Within, discover the NCR Ranger Combat Armor and NCR Ranger Patrol Armor, albeit requiring immediate repairs due to suboptimal condition.

Insights into Ranger Armor Statistics in Fallout: New Vegas

The esteemed NCR Ranger Combat Armor boasts exceptional in-game attributes, including:

  • DT (Damage Threshold): 20
  • Item HP: 600
  • Effects: NCR Disguise
  • Value: 7500
  • Weight: 30
  • Class: Medium

Complementing this armor is the Ranger Helmet, featuring the following statistics:

  • DT: 4
  • Item HP: 100
  • Value: 999
  • Weight: 3

Equipping this armor ensures robust protection and lasting durability under optimal conditions. Notably categorized as 'medium class,' the Ranger Armor marginally affects character speed and noise levels during stealth operations, a crucial consideration for stealth-focused gameplay. Despite these nuances, this armor remains a premier choice in the game, offering accessibility and formidable defense.