Acquiring the Blunderbuss in Cult of the Lamb

Discover the new powerful weapon, Blunderbuss, introduced with the Sins of the Flesh update in Cult of the Lamb, and learn how to obtain it.
Acquiring the Blunderbuss in Cult of the Lamb


  • The process of obtaining the Blunderbuss in Cult of the Lamb is relatively straightforward.
  • Blunderbuss possesses both strengths and weaknesses that players should consider.
  • The weapon becomes available to all players immediately after downloading the Sins of the Flesh update.

To effectively manage a cult in Cult of the Lamb, one must engage in crusades to punish heretics and recruit new cultists for the village, in addition to conducting sermons and providing food for followers. The newly introduced weapons in the Sins of the Flesh update are designed to aid players in these endeavors. However, many players are encountering challenges when attempting to acquire the Blunderbuss in Cult of the Lamb.

The Blunderbuss, a shotgun capable of piercing through enemies, proves to be an excellent choice for combating groups of heretics. Fortunately, obtaining this weapon is more straightforward than it may initially appear.

Finding the Blunderbuss in Cult of the Lamb

Acquiring the Blunderbuss in Cult of the Lamb simply requires downloading the Sins of the Flesh update. Unlike most new content, the new weapons are immediately accessible to players during crusades. Whether playing on an existing save or starting anew, players can obtain this powerful shotgun.

Obtaining the weapon is largely dependent on luck. At the outset of each crusade, players receive a random weapon and curse. Those fortunate enough may immediately come across the coveted Blunderbuss in Cult of the Lamb. However, if the shotgun is not found initially, it can also be obtained by clearing rooms with heretics, as it may replace a chest. Additionally, Kudaai may offer the Blunderbuss in his weapon shop.

For players aiming to secure the weapon at the beginning of their run, defeating the first bishop and unlocking the Omnipresence ability in exchange for the Heretic Heart is recommended. This ability allows players to return to base at any stage of the crusade, enabling them to restart the run until they acquire the Blunderbuss in Cult of the Lamb.

Advantages of the Blunderbuss

  • Impactful Damage - The Blunderbuss is a potent weapon in Cult of the Lamb, firing multiple bullets over a short distance, similar to a shotgun. The closer the targets are, the more damage they will sustain.
  • Penetrative Power - Bullets from the Blunderbuss can pierce through enemies, allowing players to effectively eliminate multiple targets simultaneously.
  • Heavy Attack - The Blunderbuss' heavy attack enables players to shoot a bullet over a long distance in a straight line. However, it requires charging, with the distance of the shot increasing the longer the heavy attack button is held down.

Limitations of the Blunderbuss

  • Ammunition - The Blunderbuss has limited ammunition, allowing the lamb to fire only 3–4 times before requiring a reload. Players need to be mindful of their ammo during critical moments in battle.
  • Accuracy - The Blunderbuss' shot spread is cone-shaped. Precise aiming is crucial when targets are in close proximity, as inaccurate shots will miss the mark and inflict no damage.
  • Resource Collection - Due to the weapon's slow recharge time, using the Blunderbuss for resource gathering, such as grass, stones, or bones, may be less efficient compared to other weapons.

Understanding the dynamics of the Blunderbuss in Cult of the Lamb is crucial. While the weapon is formidable once mastered, its availability to all players immediately after downloading the Sins of the Flesh update ensures an exciting gameplay experience.