8 Alternate Spider Characters That Could Join Insomniac Games

Insomniac's Marvel universe could benefit from the addition of these iconic characters as playable options.
8 Alternate Spider Characters That Could Join Insomniac Games


  • Insomniac's Spider-Man games have successfully introduced new playable characters like Miles Morales and Silk.
  • Future games should feature more alternate versions of Spider-Man from the comics and animated movies, such as Peter Parker with Doctor Octopus's arms and the Man-Spider.
  • Characters like Cosmic Spider-Man and Spider-Ham would bring unique and enjoyable experiences to the games, while Spider-Gwen could offer a fresh take on Gwen Stacy's story.

The Spider-Man games by Insomniac have been tremendous successes. The first game in the series introduced fans to the traditional version of Spider-Man (Peter Parker) before expanding to include Miles Morales as a new playable Spider-Man and teasing a future appearance of Silk.

The comics and animated movies by Sony have explored multiple versions of Spider-Man from throughout the Spiderverse, and it seems that any one of these potential alternate versions of the web-head would be great to play in an upcoming game. Some Spider-Men, like Spider-Man and The Scarlet Spider, have already been included in previous games as alternate skins, but new playable Spider-people should be new characters entirely.

8 Peter Parker (Earth 11983)

A Multiverse Spider-Man with Some Cool Tech

  • First Appearance: Spider-Man The Animated Series (1998)

The animated Spider-Man cartoon came to an end in 1998, with Peter Parker having to team up with a group of other versions of himself from other universes to stop the evil Spider Carnage. One of the other versions of Peter Parker in this episode was one who wore the arms of Doctor Octopus, after taking them as a reward after their last confrontation.

Adding a playable version of this hybrid character would be cool, especially seeing as how the last game teased the return of Otto Octavius in the post-credits scene. However, now that the original Spider-Man has access to the Iron Spider arms, this alternate version of the character may work better as an alternative skin.

7 Man-Spider

A Darker Version Of Spider-Man

  • First Appearance: Spider-Man The Animated Series (1995)

The Man-Spider is a terrifying version of Spider-Man that appeared in the second series of the animated Spider-Man show from the 90s. In the story, the spider DNA that gives Peter Parker his superpowers keeps on mutating him until the hero becomes a human-spider hybrid monster with no control over his actions. This version of the character was also adapted and included in the Savage Spider-Man comic run in 2022.

Having Peter Parker eventually become a monster like this in a game could be fun in a dystopian future segment, or as part of a story exploring Spider-Man's origin. Plus, the game now has a character in Miles Morales who can take down this monster. Although, this arc has already been somewhat explored in the symbiote saga from Spider-Man 2.

6 Cosmic Spider-Man

One Of The Most Powerful Versions Of Spider-Man

  • First Appearance: The Spectacular Spider-Man #158 (1976)

Spider-Man is rarely considered to be one of the most powerful heroes in the Marvel universe, especially when he exists in a universe that also includes characters like Hulk, Thor, and Professor X. However, Cosmic Spider-Man is powerful enough to give all these characters a run for their money. When trying to find a way to stop a group of Marvel villains in the Acts of Vengeance story arc, Peter Parker is accidentally hit by the Enigma Force. This entity gives Spider-Man all the powers of Captain Universe.

With the ability to travel in space and seek out people in danger across the universe, this version of Spider-Man would give players a completely new experience in the games. If Insomniac ever wanted to include this version of Spider-Man, then perhaps it would work in a small story section like how Venom was used in Spider-Man 2. There is no way Cosmic Spider-Man could exist alongside Miles Morales and Silk without making them both insignificant.

5 Six Arms Spider-Man (Earth 92100)

An Evolution Of Peter Parker

  • First Appearance: The Amazing Spider-Man #100 (1971)

In an effort to cure himself of his spider powers, Peter Parker creates a serum that inadvertently gives him four additional arms. As expected, this new form makes it harder for Spider-Man to conceal his secret identity, and finding a cure for this additional set of limbs proves challenging.

The Six Arms Saga is fondly remembered by comic readers, and it fits nicely with Peter trying to settle down with MJ at the end of Spider-Man 2. Giving Peter Parker six arms would open up some issues during Peter's retirement, and could open up players to some fun (or weird) combat mechanics.

4 Spider-Ham

A Spider-Man From An Animated Reality

  • First Appearance: Marvel Tails Starring Peter Porker, the Spectacular Spider-Ham # 1 (1983)

Spider-Ham is a version of Peter Parker that comes from a universe where all Marvel characters are animals. In this case, Peter Porker is actually an anthropomorphic pig who fights crime as the hero Spider-Ham. The entire universe that this character comes from is supposed to be silly and the heroes exist within a Looney Toons-type of world with slapistic humor. However, Spider-Ham gained a lot more attention when he appeared in 2018's Into The Spider-Verse movie.

Therefore, it seems odd that this character has not been included in any of Insomniac's games so far, outside a small spider-bot Easter Egg. The Spider-Man games are quite serious, but it would still be fun to swing through a cartoon version of New York as Spider-Ham at some point. Perhaps someone like Mysterio or The Beyonder could open up a door to this possibility in the future.

3 Spider-Girl (May Parker)

Peter Parker's Offspring Takes On The Spider-Man Mantle

  • First Appearance: What If # 105 (1998)

There have been many people in the Marvel timeline who have called themselves Spider-Girl. However, the most popular version so far has to be May 'Mayday' Parker. May Parker, who in most continuities is Peter Parker's biological daughter, inherits her father's superpowers at birth. As such, Peter must train his daughter to use her powers responsibly to become the next hero of New York.

While Peter Parker in the Insomniac games is far too young to be acting as a mentor to his teenage daughter, a brief flash forward in time could easily be the catalyst for giving players the chance to swing around New York as Spider-Girl.

2 Spider-Man 2099

The Spider-Man From The Far Future

  • First Appearance: The Amazing Spider-Man #365 (1992)

The comics have established that many people will take on the mantle of Spider-Man once Peter Parker retires, but none have captured readers' imagination as much as the Spider-Man from 2099, Miguel O'Hara. This version of Spider-Man from the far future works as a hero in the traditional sense, but also has to fight a revolution against the evil science corporation known as Alchemax. Spider-Man 2099 has access to a lot of gadgets, and can even explore a time stream that allows him to contact Peter Parker from the present day. Miguel O'Hara is such a popular version of Spider-Man that he has already appeared in a number of video games, and has even been a big player in the movie, Across The Spider-Verse.

Therefore, it only makes sense that this character gets a chance to shine in Insomniac's series of games. Outside another character skin, it would be great to take control of this Spider-Man and explore New York in 2099.

1 Spider-Gwen

One Of The Most Famous Alternate Versions Of Spider-Man

  • First Appearance: Edge of Spider-Verse #2 (2014)

In terms of comic book characters, Spider-Gwen is a relatively new addition to the Marvel universe. In the main Marvel timeline, Gwen Stacey was a mild-mannered student who dated Peter Parker before being tragically killed by the Green Goblin. However, the version of Gwen on Earth 65 was bitten by the radioactive spider instead of Peter Parker, and so gets to fight crime and sling quips as Spider-Gwen. This version of the character is instantly recognizable by her slick costume, and she got a huge popularity boost when she appeared as one of the main cast in Into The Spider-Verse.

Since there has yet to be any mention of Gwen Stacey in the Insomniac Games, it would be easy to alter the character's story so that she has always been Spider-Gwen in that universe. Then players could finally get a chance to play as the current most popular iteration of Gwen Stacy.