7 Days To Die: Ultimate Trader Guide

Discover the top items players should sell to traders in 7 Days to Die.
7 Days To Die: Ultimate Trader Guide


  • Find out how to profit from gold, silver, and diamonds in 7 Days To Die with the Art Of Mining Volume 1.
  • Maximize your earnings by selling plastic, a readily available resource, in large quantities to traders.
  • Make a good profit by salvaging mechanical and electrical parts with a wrench in the game.

Struggling with deciding what to sell and what to keep in 7 Days To Die is a common challenge for players. With a plethora of items that can be sold to vendors, knowing the right ones to sell can be tricky.

From weapons and armor to books and vehicle parts, there are numerous items that fetch a high price in Dukes. Selling the right items to traders not only boosts a player's Dukes but also helps in leveling up the barter skill. This article aims to shed light on the best items to sell.

8 Gold, Silver, and Diamonds

Valuable Resources for Profit

To start cashing in on diamonds, players must acquire the Art Of Mining Volume 1. Once obtained, selling gold, silver, and diamonds becomes a lucrative endeavor. These rare materials stack up to 250, occupying minimal inventory space.

While not immediately beneficial for new players, selling these precious resources later in the game proves to be a profitable strategy.

7 Plastic

Abundant and Lucrative

Plastic is easily accessible from various sources like vehicles, blinds, and school chairs. Its abundance makes it a prime candidate for selling to traders, especially in large quantities for substantial returns.

The selling price of plastic, like other items, depends on the player's barter level and consumables affecting sale prices.

6 Mechanical Parts

Profit from Salvaging

Salvaging items such as air conditioners and gas pumps with a wrench yields mechanical parts. These valuable components, also found in crates in Working Stiffs, can be sold for a decent profit, especially as players progress in the game.

As players advance, the need for mechanical parts in crafting essential items like bikes and defensive structures increases, making them a valuable commodity.

5 Electrical Parts

Unleash the Wrench

Using a wrench to dismantle items like street lights and sedans yields electrical parts. These parts, not frequently needed in the early game, are ideal for selling initially. It is advisable to retain a few electrical parts for emergencies.

Players can sell surplus electrical parts to traders, keeping a small reserve for unforeseen requirements.