5 Lessons for a Future Gotham Knights Game

Gotham Knights has room for improvement and here are 5 key points for a potential sequel to consider.
5 Lessons for a Future Gotham Knights Game


  • Gotham Knights 2 should focus on giving each hero more stylish and fun traversal methods that fit with the source material and feel fluid to use.
  • The next installment of Gotham Knights should prioritize telling an original story that focuses on the Gotham Knights themselves, rather than relying heavily on Bruce Wayne.
  • The combat and gear progression systems in Gotham Knights were clunky and slowed down the pace, so the sequel should emphasize fluid combat and reduce the emphasis on grinding for gear.

Superhero video games have had their ups and downs in recent years. While games like Batman: Arkham Asylum and Marvel's Spider-Man have been well-received, others, like Gotham Knights, have fallen short of expectations.

Released in the past year, Gotham Knights faced several issues upon its launch. While it aimed to introduce something new and exciting, it struggled to find its footing and distinguish itself from the Arkham series. However, it's not all doom and gloom, and there's potential for a sequel to address these challenges and shine.

More Stylish Traversal Methods

Gotham Knights received criticism for the traversal methods of its playable heroes. In a potential sequel, it's essential to provide each hero with stylish and fun traversal abilities that align with their lore and are enjoyable to use. This would enhance the overall gameplay experience.

Emphasis on an Original Story

The lackluster story of Gotham Knights left fans wanting more. A sequel should shift the focus to an original, compelling narrative centered around the Gotham Knights themselves, minimizing reliance on Bruce Wayne to bring the titular characters into the spotlight.

Streamlined Combat and Progression

Gotham Knights' combat and gear progression systems were criticized for their clunkiness and pace-dampening mechanics. A potential sequel should prioritize fluid combat and reduce the emphasis on gear grinding, allowing for a more seamless and enjoyable gameplay experience.

Exploration Beyond Gotham City

To set itself apart, a future Gotham Knights game should consider taking players to new locations, providing fresh environments and challenges for the heroes, such as Nightwing's old stomping grounds in Bludhaven.

New Villains to Conquer

Gotham Knights faced criticism for featuring overused villains from the Batman universe. A potential sequel could breathe new life into the game by introducing lesser-known villains from each hero's rogue's gallery, offering players a fresh and exciting challenge.